

. C:\DocumentsandSettings\用户名所在文件夹 .. C:\DocumentsandSettings ... 我的电脑 \ C盘 C:/windows/fonts 字体 cmd /k systeminfo 查询系统信...


1.最高优先级是 (直接在标签中的设置样式) <div style="color:Red;"></div> 2.次优先级是(ID选择器 ,假设级别为100) #myDiv{color:Red;} 3.其次优先级是(类选择器,假设级别为10) .divClass{color:Red;} 4.最后优先级是 (标签选择器,假设级别是1) div{color:Red;}


默认情况下,我们将鼠标移动到<textarea>的右下角时发现文本域是可以通过拖动的方式改变其大小的,这会影响我们原本的页面布局。 若想设置其不可拖动,可为其添加如下属性: <textarea style="resize:none;"></textarea>


原理 使用Jekyll将Markdown编写的博客生成HTML文件,也就是静态的网页,部署到GitHub上,使用GitHub提供的GitHub Pages功能来运行展示自己的博客,无需自己的数据库和服务器。 安装Ruby环境 需要在Ruby环境下才可以运行Jekyll,所有首先要安装Ruby环境。 根据自己的操作系统下载Ruby的安装包 https://rubyinstaller.org/...

Customize the Favicon

The favicons of Chirpy are placed in the directory assets/img/favicons/. You may want to replace them with your own. The following sections will guide you to create and replace the default favicons...

Getting Started

Prerequisites Follow the instructions in the Jekyll Docs to complete the installation of the basic environment. Git also needs to be installed. Installation Creating a New Site There are two wa...

Writing a New Post

This tutorial will guide you how to write a post in the Chirpy template, and it’s worth reading even if you’ve used Jekyll before, as many features require specific variables to be set. Naming and...

Responsive rendering of Chirpy theme on multiple devices.

Text and Typography

This post is to show Markdown syntax rendering on Chirpy, you can also use it as an example of writing. Now, let’s start looking at text and typography. Headings H1 - heading H2 - heading H3 - ...